127 - From Prom King to Therapist Re-Release - David Clinton

As part of our “Archival August,” we are re-releasing episodes from the past that have held specific significance for me recently, as I take some time for personal healing.

This episode with David Clinton was really moving for me personally. David is from my same hometown and I don’t know about you guys, but during the pandemic and everything that’s been going on, there’s been a lot of reflecting on the past and the ways in which our upbringing caused harm or trauma.

David has become somebody that I have reached out to more regularly because he’s just a really, really awesome guy. 

Bio for David Clinton, M.A., L.C.P.C. 

David Clinton is a private practice therapist in Naperville, Illinois. He’s a native of Cincinnati and studied psychology and religion at Indiana university before entering his masters in clinical psychology from Wheaton college, he’s counseled in private since 2002. He’s also a guitarist and amateur photographer and an avid reader.

David is married and a father of two children who fill his days with laughter, excitement and a significant amount of property damage. 

Contact information:

Psychology Today: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/david-c-clinton-naperville-il/290995

Let’s be friends! You can find me in the following places…












128 - Erin Law - Embodiment and Somatics for Healing From Supremacy Culture


126 - Lisa Lackey - Resist the Pull of the Noise