213 - Sarah Buino - Sharing the Vision, Expanding the World With Our New Co-Host Anne Remy

“I think I may be polyamorous in all things. Like, I really do believe that everything is abundant, and I don't have to hold onto it so tightly.” - Sarah Buino 

Change is effing hard! And, also… change is what’s needed so that we can fully embody our wildest dreams. If you follow me on social (which you definitely should!), y’all know that I’ve spent the last several months navigating major life events, both personal (hello, new home!) and professional (goodbye, beloved first business!). Keen fans of the podcast will also note that I’ve hinted at changes coming here, too. Well, today’s the day I forgo cryptic signals in favor of the big reveal:

Introducing my new co-host Anne Remy!

Wait, what?! Who? Why? Maybe I should say, “Re-introducing Anne Remy” because you met her earlier this year (go listen now, if you haven’t). Judging by the response to that episode, y’all love her as much as I do, so this change won’t be as hard as you might imagine. To refresh: Anne is a fellow Ohio native, a humanist therapist, TCTSY trauma-sensitive yoga facilitator, a breathwork facilitator, and a yoga teacher living and working in the UK.

So that’s the “who” part out of the way. The “why” part is all about maximizing joy. I’ve been hosting these convos for five years now. The timing feels right, and Anne’s presence, doubly so. She shares my desire to connect with a global community of radical visionaries––therapists, light workers, and healers who are revolutionizing their chosen modalities.   

I invited Anne to join me because I love what she’ll bring to the show: an international perspective and an early-career mindset. She’ll provide the exciting, creative momentum that a successful, long-running show needs to reach its next milestone. Rest assured, I’m not going anywhere; Anne’s very first guest is yours truly. Naturally, we dig right into some juicy topics, and, because turnabout is fair play, Anne challenges me to answer the Wounded Healer question.

In revisiting the last 200+ episodes, I’ve found medicine in every single one, and each encounter has absolutely healed me in some way. I want even more of this collaborative, curative spirit going forward––for myself, for Anne, and most of all, for you. So let’s embark on the journey together. Thank you for welcoming Anne into your earbuds and for changing alongside us.

That wasn’t so hard, was it?


Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

Trauma Center Trauma Sensitive Yoga


CWH207 - Anne Remy - Equitable Education and Credentialing for the Next Generation of Therapists

CWH194 - Charles Small - Debunking Misconceptions About CBT And Other Evidence-Based Practices (Plus, there’s singing!)

CWH112: Derek Dawson - Dismantling Racism

Let’s be friends! You can find me in the following places…








214 - Dee Albert - Sprinkling Your Spice Into Therapeutic Spaces


212 - River Nice - Socially Responsible Financial Planning to Support the Collective, not Capitalism